Escalation Policies

Ensure the right people receive alerts depending on schedules and rule types.


Escalation policies provide an effective means of determining who should receive alerts for specific facilities, zones within those facilities, and individual rules. This flexibility ensures that security teams with different responsibilities, roles, or shifts can receive the most relevant alerts. It's important to note that the Escalation Policy system has replaced the previous First Responder system.

Creating Shifts and Policies

Escalation Policies

You can create a policy that includes either individuals or a group of people in a shift.

Important: if you add an individual to the policy, that person will receive an alert 24/7, regardless of the time of day. Furthermore, if that individual is also in a Shift group, they will potentially receive an alert twice - provided they're on shift in the group at the time of the alert.

To create an escalation policy, navigate to the 'Escalation policies' page and click 'Add Escalation Policy'. You will be able to name the new policy, as well as assign people to notify at once or after some defined delay.

Shift Groups

You can easily assign users to a shift that represents their work hours. Simply drag a section of time and fill in the schedule pop-up:

Now, if an incident happens and your policy has this shift assigned, as in the screenshot below, the people on shift at the time of the incident will receive the alert. if you're not on shift at the time, you won't receive the alert.

In the example above, the shift group 'California Operators' will receive alerts based on their schedule in the shift group. If no one from that group responds within 60 seconds, Jimmy will receive an alert.

Assigning Shifts and Policies

Entire Facility

To assign an Escalation Policy to the entire facility, follow these steps for an easier process:

  1. Go to the left-side menu and click on "Facility."

  2. Select your facility from the options.

  3. Click the hamburger menu in the top-right corner.

  4. Choose "Escalation Policies" from the menu.

  5. Select the policy you want to assign to this facility.

Please be aware that if you assign policies to zones or rules, they will take precedence over this facility-wide policy.


To assign an Escalation Policy to the zone, follow these steps for an easier process:

  1. Go to the left-side menu and click on "Facility."

  2. Select your facility from the options.

  3. Select "Map View".

  4. Click on a zone or create a new one.

  5. Under the heading "Zone escalation policy", select the policy you want to assign to this facility.

Please be aware that assigning a policy to a zone will override your facility policy.


You can also assign unique policies at the rule level, allowing you to notify different teams or individuals based on specific rule types.

Last updated