Product FAQ

Here you will find answers to common questions.



Does VOLT AI detect *****?

Check out our rules and how they work by visiting our Event Detection Criteria page!

How many cameras can VOLT AI handle?

We can manage thousands of cameras! For each facility or group of facilities on the same network, we will send a 1U server for every 30 camera streams you have and a 2U server for every 250 camera streams you have. Note a single multi-lens camera can have several camera streams.

What does it mean when a rule is in beta?

Our beta rules are undergoing ongoing improvements to increase the confidence. Gathering real world examples of false positives and true positives helps us in continuing to improve the model. Once the confidence passes a threshold, we will graduate it from beta.

Can I add different user roles in a single group?

User groups are intended to manage each facility's managers, operators, and custom roles. Currently we do not support adding different roles in a single group.

Can I block an area in a camera view?

Yes, you can mask any area in any camera view.

Is a camera aware of its zone's perimeter?

Zone rules are applied to the entire view of any camera placed within the zone. In cases where you may want to block a busy road, TV screen, or anything else in the camera view you may add a mask. Navigate to your facility's camera list and on any camera click the three dots to see the mask option.

Last updated